Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I have decided with all that I have going on in life at this moment, I want to start saying one thing I'm thankful every Thursday (love the alliteration).  These are by no means in order, it could just be something has popped out to me this week and I want to recognize it.

Today, I am thankful for the great communication between here and Afghanistan.  During Ricky's training phase, I was preparing myself for the worst, possibly only relying on letters, GASP! I didn't want to expect too much in case the technology was terrible where he was and then I was terribly disappointed.  I would recommend this theory to anyone having to go through a deployment. Thankfully, he is able to call whenever he can and the line is crystal clear.  Not much delay, and I can here him as if her were right here in Tulsa.  When he calls varies day to day, and sometimes I go days without hearing anything.  This is where my Faith in God comes in, a month ago my mind would automatically go to worry, but I am slowly learning to put all my trust in God that He is protecting those men and women.  I know he'll call when he can.

I'm extra thankful for this today because I went the last two days without a call.  And then he called this morning.  If you've ever had to go very long without hearing from your loved ones and/or have NO way of contacting them you know exactly how it feels to get that unknown number pop up on your phone.

So thank you Lord, for providing this capability for us.


  1. Great post, Jessica! So often, we take for granted how easy it is to talk and communicate with our loved ones, and your experience is the perfect reminder of why we should take the time to be thankful. You inspire me!

  2. Thanks! I have totally learned to not take anything for granted. I'm glad to inspire you!

  3. love this post! :) and the idea of your thankful thursdays! :)
