Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Health

This week I have been very thankful for my health.  Even though I have been overweight since about 9th grade and on (off and on, I'd gain then lose, then gain again), I have still always been pretty healthy.  I haven't had any major medical problems, no hospital stays (except for when I had pneumonia in the 2nd grade), and no need for prescription medicine.  So today I am extremely thankful.

I will continue to do my best to stay healthy and keep my body happy.  I do that by trying my hardest to feed it healthy foods that it needs, and limit the processed candy and foods.  And also by regular exercise.

This week I started a bootcamp class here in Tulsa (bought it through Living Social) and it's been so great!  I'm excited to see what my results are at the end of my month long session.


  1. Way to go on starting boot camp! I'm signed up for three-day-a-week classes starting during September, and am looking forward to getting back on track with a healthy lifestlye.

  2. It sounds like you are making the right choices with eating and working out! And you have an awesome attitude which is key:-)

  3. It's a 45 minutes circuit training session. Each day is something different and they combine all kinds of strength training with cardio. It's great!
