Sunday, July 24, 2011

Reckless Redneck Run

I get these emails every once in awhile from running groups in Tulsa and their upcoming races.  Most of them from the Runners World Tatur group are pretty ridiculous but this one in particular caught my eye.  It was called the Reckless Redneck run.  The basis of the run is it's only 1 mile mostly downhill and the best part is you dress like a redneck.  Yes, a redneck.  So Meredith and I decided this would be so fun to dress up and get some exercise.  We used to do all these "dress-up" activities in college for our sorority date parties.  So we decided this was one step up because at least we were getting some exercise.  haha.

So on Friday afternoon, we headed to the local thrift store and I stumbled upon this glorious wedding veil and boom I had my outfit idea.  Meredith found this awesome jean vest and found an awesome trucker hat.  Just take a look at the evidence.
Even have my ring pop wedding ring

Such a pretty lady :)
Some of the other rednecks

Two rednecks ready for their run
We love our men :) They are tattooed on our arms :)
It was a lot of fun dressing up.  Although it was not so fun running in 106 degree heat.  Even if it was mostly downhill, it was still really hot.  At the end of it, we had to walk back uphill to the parking lot so we got a little extra exercise.  So we may be doing more of these fun races, maybe just wait until the heat wave leaves for the summer.

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