Monday, September 6, 2010

It's Football Season!!

My favorite time of the year has finally arrived!  Fall!!!!  With it comes football, leaves changing colors, Halloween, cooler weather, and just pure happiness!  Fall is by far my favorite time of the year (If you couldn't tell by all the exclamation points haha).

Saturday was the first OSU college football game and it did NOT disappoint.  The weather was amazing!  And our first tailgate was a success.  About 10 people showed up and helped contribute to make our typical tailgating menu a success.  We of course make hamburgers with chips, pasta salad, potato salad, veggies and dip, and dessert.  Sooo yummy!  We secured our spot right next to the stadium and right in the middle of all the orange!

Here is Hasley excited about Cowboy Football! --->

I also got to babysit my 8 year old nephew Jake all weekend and we had so much fun!  Friday night when we got back to Tulsa I took him to the park where he played on the playground until it got dark.  Saturday we watched lots of cartoons in the morning and then headed to Stillwater for the game and he had a great time.  We were able to see Mimi and Papa (my parents) also.  Yesterday I took him to church with me and then of course it was nap time (for me not him, he doesn't nap ha) Then we headed over to Ricky's parents to play in their pool and he LOVED it over there.  He thought it was an amusement park because they had a pool with a slide and a popcorn machine.  His mom came and got him this morning and I've been recuperating ever since ha.  It's crazy how busy a little 8 year old can keep you. 

All in all, an excellent Labor Day weekend!  But it's back to work tomorrow :(  Only 5 days until the next football game though! 

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