Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mrs. Martin's Wedding Activities

One of my best friends had been dating this guy for what seemed like forever, and we all knew they were the next to get engaged.  Finally, some day halfway through March she called me and he popped the question! I was so super excited for her! So then she calls me back a few days later and this is how the conversation went:

Betty: So....would you be mad if I got married before you? (I had mentioned before how unfair it was for people that got engaged after me was getting married before me, even though my circumstance was different and couldn't happen any other way)
Betty continued: That venue I was telling you about, my dream one, is only open one day and it's in 2 months.  So it would be two weeks before your wedding.  
Me:  OF COURSE I WOULDN'T BE MAD! (Really super excited that she could get into the venue because we had talked about it the day before) 

So it was set, she booked the venue and started planning her wedding two months away.  So for the next two months, we had LOTS of wedding activities between the two of us.  And to make it even more crazy, there were 4 of us ladies, all involved (or bridesmaids) in both.  

So first up, was my Bachelorette Party.

The following weekend we had a Bridal shower and Bachelorette Party for Betty.  
Bride and Groom (this was actually taken at a different bridal shower)
I feel like I ate about half of this delicious cookie cake
Spread of food
Surprise Candlelight! 
Time for the Bachelorette Party! We headed to Paint Your Art Out.  You basically can drink while they take you step by step through a painting.  And you get to take the painting home with you! So fun!
Bride to be
Yummy cupcakes
Opening some gifts
Everyone with their drinks
We started painting
Final products! I'd say we are pretty awesome painters!
 The very next weekend was her wedding.  It was so fun and I had such a great time.

Getting dressed

There was an air vent on the floor and it was super hot inside
It was so hot we found the groomsmen hiding in the food cooler 
Picture time! She was climbing in a barn and didn't want to get the dress dirty until she got where she needed to be, so she walked around like this.  Quite humorous. 
One extremely funny picture.

When you love an Alpha Delta :)
Having a good ole time.

Congrats Betty and Trevor!!!! 

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