Monday, June 27, 2011

Weekend with old and new friends

I had such a wonderful weekend!  It all started off Friday night when Meredith and I traveled to Edmond to see some of our great friends from Kingfisher.  There is a small group of us that typically try to get together every few months just to catch up and have a movie night.  But we have all discovered that the older we get the harder it is to find time to all get together.  So this was our first movie night in about 2 years!  Totally not acceptable! But we had such an amazing time!
Kaylie with her homemade strawberry cupcake! Delicious!
Their cute dog Bernard
We also met up with Jon and Allison for lunch Saturday.  I haven't seen Jon since his wedding 3 years ago!  It was so good to catch up with everyone.  Jon and his wife are going to Turkey this fall for a 3 year mission trip.  So please keep them in your prayers.  So I came back to Tulsa and met up with the other Army spouses at Discoveryland!  Such a good show!
Awesome ladies!
My future mother-in-law
Sunday I topped off the weekend with some time in the sun and a night of Praise at our church.  Such a fun weekend.

For a Ricky update, he has been in a certain country for about 4 days now, just waiting for the sandstorms to go away so they can go to their final destination.  It has definitely been a struggle.  Since he left the country he has called about every other day and we talk for about 15 minutes.  But this morning I missed his call :( The one morning I get up before work to go for a run and he calls and I didn't have my phone.  I now know to keep my phone attached to me at all times!  The worst part about missing a call like that is that I can't just call him back.  But I'm ready for him to get to his final place and get a routine down so maybe we can get a schedule together (the organizer in me).  Thank you again for all your prayers and support!
He sent me this pic while they were in Maine for a layover :) 

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