Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Took the long way

I began my weight loss journey about 5 years ago.  There were lots of up and downs and after about 2 years, I managed to lose 40 pounds. In May of 2009 I vividly remember weighing in at my weight watchers meeting at 171.0.  I'm not quite sure what happened after this, I do remember I stayed about in the same vicinity for a LONG time, I think I was even right around this weight when I first met Ricky (that was 2 years ago).  It wasn't until about Christmas of 2010 that I started putting the weight back on.  Lots of going away dinners and get togethers right before he left for the deployment didn't help my weight loss at all.  I remember stepping on the scale when Ricky left last February and I had gained 20 pounds.

I was horrified I had let myself do that.  And I said right there that I was going to lose it plus more while Ricky was gone.  I was going to be a hot 130 pound woman when Ricky got home.  Especially when we got engaged in March, I wanted to look good for my wedding! Well......that didn't happen.  My weight loss efforts had become a huge struggle and burden.  I wasn't in it 100%.  By the time he came home last October for his R&R, I had managed to lose about 10 pounds.  I was disappointed in myself.

Fast forward to Thanksgiving, I basically ate whatever I wanted.  I had already decided I was going to do one of the fab diets to lose all the weight so I didn't restrict myself at all.  Once I got back home after the holiday, I was about to start the stuff and somehow talked myself out of it.  I knew I could lose the weight on my own, I had done it before.  And I had to remind myself that it is a terribly slow process and be ok with the fact that I wouldn't be 130 pounds when Ricky got home or even for the wedding.

So December 1, my journey began again, this time with a lot more effort.  Instead of just going back to Weight Watchers which I had done so many time, I decided to give counting calories a try.  So I created a profile on My Fitness Pal.  I was still going to the bootcamp class I had joined back in September so I devoted myself to that.  I have been allowing myself treats, if I want ice cream, I get ice cream.  If I didn't have enough calories for the day for it, I knew I would need to get a workout in of some sort.

I was doing really good, Had dropped another 5 pounds, and then I got stuck.  No matter how hard I worked out or limited my sweets or cut back on carbs, I could not get off this plateau.  I was only stuck there for a month, but it seemed like an eternity.  A friend suggested I up my calories, my body could be going into starvation mode and holding onto all it can.  So that's what I did, I started eating more. I just simply ate about 250 more calories each day.  And what do ya know......the weight started come off again!

This morning I stepped on the scale and saw 171.4!!! I am finally almost back to where I weighed in at 4 years ago! I did one of those little happy dances in the bathroom haha (you know what one I'm talking about).  So I may have taken the long way, and who knows where I would be now had I not have given up 4 years ago, but that's life.  The important thing is I changed my attitude and habits back around and started making healthier choices for my life.  I simply can't wait to see the 160's on the scale and that is my pure motivation right now.

Here's to 20 pounds gone and to the next 20!


  1. You are doing amazing! And are an inspiration! It seems like the hard, long way is the only way to go, huh? No quick fixes. I have been stalled right around 170 for months now. I just started reading Dr Oz's book YOU: on a diet and am really enjoying it! You may too! Keep it up girl you will reach your goals, but are healthy and looking good already!!!

    1. Thanks! Those plateaus are killer! I'll totally have to check out that book!

  2. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! It is a lifelong journey - or life style change - for sure! Congratulations on your progress. I think you will be to 130 in no time. (-:


    1. Thanks Kathryn! I am finally starting to realize it's a life style change and how to make it work for my life.

  3. I thought you looked amazing when I saw you a few weeks ago! Keep up the good work!
