Monday, April 4, 2011

March/April Goals

It's that time, the end of the month where I need to reflect on my previous months' goals and look onto what I would like to achieve the next month.

Review of March goals:
Menu Planning - I did ok at this, I did 2 new recipes I think.  I should have time to do more now that Ricky has left again.

Get down to 180 - yep, totally didn't even get close, well I guess I got down to 186 then Ricky came home and all my healthy eating went down the drain.  So I'm basically starting over again.

Study for LEED exam - yep, didn't start this either.  Man I did a terrible job at my goals this month.

Continue Project 365 - Complete!  (or in progress and up to date) Finally one I did do really good at!!!

Looking back I didn't really work very hard on these goals, so I need to put a little more effort into each of them.

April Goals: 
Menu Planning - I am going to pre-plan my menu for the week each Sunday.  I already have this week planned out.  I also still want to try one new recipe a week.  This week's look really good :)

Get to 185 - this is a more realistic goal.  That's about a pound a week.  I want to lose about 30 lbs before I even go try on any wedding dresses, I have about 6 months until I will have to order one so I should be able to make it if I focus.

Study for LEED exam - this one is still staying on there, I'm not going to be ready for the exam on the 30th (when my testing period is over) but I can re-apply in three months to take it and I hope to be ready for it by then.

Save money - I need to really start focusing on saving money and setting a better budget for myself.  I would like to be close to debt free when Ricky gets back and have saved money for our wedding and lives together.

1 comment:

  1. Jess, if it would be helpful at all for accountability, we can email each other our menus on Sunday. I just do dinners, but I am trying to do a better job of planning. Maybe we'll get some new ideas from each other, too! Let me know :)
