Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I'm finally getting a moment to put up pictures from Ricky's deployment homecoming! I'll do more in depth discussion about my reflection on the whole deployment, but today is just for fun and pictures :)

Got my signs ready!
My #1 supporter during this whole deployment :)

Ellie Kate so ready to see her Bubbie!
Here they come!

I could see him from my seat and it was killing me  not to be able to hug him!

Our first embrace :)

Me with Ellie Kate and my nephew Jake

That night, Ricky wanted a big plate of nachos for dinner!
My amazing parents got us all tickets to the Thunder game Sunday!


  1. Aw! This gave me chills! So happy he's home! :) Is he done in the National Guard? No more deployments?

    1. He has one more year in and then 2 years non-active. There is still a small chance he could be deployed. Never say never.....praying that was the last one though!
