Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas!

This had to have been the best Christmas I have had thus far in my lifetime!  It was crazy busy but I had so much fun spending time with Ricky and I's families!   It started Thursday night where Robertson Tire had their company Christmas party.  Then Friday morning Ricky and I headed to Seminole to spend time time with Myers/Shaw side of the family.  There I met a whole new set of people and they were all so nice and kind and welcomed me in with loving arms. Ricky and I taught them all how to play Mexican Dominoes and had a blast!  Saturday morning we we to Ricky's parents house to see Ellie Kate get up and walk downstairs where Santa had brought her all kinds of toys!  

Ellie Kate as Jessie the Cowgirl
Ricky and I on Christmas day
That evening we headed over to Ricky's mom's side of the family to celebrate with more food and family.  It was a good time seeing all of them.  We left there a little early because we were headed to Hobart that night to my parent's house.  We got there about 12:30 and to bed we went.

Jake opening a  huge gift! 

Sunday morning we woke up and had Christmas with my siblings and were entertained by my nephew Jake as always :)  Then my dad's side of the family came down and we had lunch and played dirty Santa.  The rest of the day and Monday were relaxation days.  We did however play more Mexican dominoes and I taught Ricky how to play Sequence.  We came back home Monday evening for some R&R.  But not for long, we have to get packed because we are headed to Hawaii Friday!!!!


  1. I love the train around the tree! We had one when I was a kid and train sets always make me think of the holidays :)

  2. She wanted a castle, Jessie boots, and a train for Christmas! It was so precious!
