Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Recent Thoughts

I haven't posted a personal post in awhile and I've had a lot of things on my mind that I just want to put into words.

We have approximately 42% left still of this last leg and while in months that doesn't seem long, 42% sounds long.  Ricky hasn't been going out on missions since he moved to a new base, which I'm VERY thankful for.  I'm hoping things will just coast until his return home.  And I'm SOOO glad this is the last one, no more tearful goodbye's (for this deployment), no more temporary visits, no more nights alone, and so many more things I'll be glad to not have to do again.  The thing that keeps me going is the hope of our future together, the wedding, moving in together, having my best friend by my side each and everyday, and so much more!

It's been 11 months since this deployment started and in the past 11 months I've seen the person I love most in this world a total of 26 days.  You never get used to it, it's hard every single day.  Sure some days are better than others, but I still hurt inside.

Wedding Planning:
Things are coming along really great.  All the vendors are booked and now all that is left are the DIY decorations (which some have been started) and put it all together.  I'm hoping it looks as good as it all does in my head haha.  I'm so ready for Ricky to be back though to help, I need him to be the mediator sometimes ha.

Weight Loss:
Here is finally once aspect that I feel I have somewhat control of. Since July I've lost 15 pounds.  However, I didn't really get serious and step up my game until after Thanksgiving.  So I've lost the majority of that since then.  I joined Fit Body Bootcamp in Tulsa and it's the best thing I've ever done in the workout department.  I'm not a fan of monotony in exercise and everyday you go to bootcamp, it's completely different.  I've built so much muscle and toned up in areas I didn't know I could ha.  I've also been using My Fitness Pal to keep track of everything I put into my body.  I have been trying to eat 1200 calories a day and get a good 400-500 calorie workout 5-6 days a week.  No I haven't been eating lots of chicken and veggies (although those are quick easy meals).  I've been trying new healthy versions of some of my favorites to curb my cravings.  And even if I do want to splurge on that pizza or hamburger, I do, just in moderation.  So there ya go, I am aiming to lose another 10 by the end of February for my dress fitting.  I still have about 35 to get to my ultimate goal but I'm in no rush. I'm really starting to love my body again and feel good about myself.  Slow and steady win the race :)

I had this whole long thing typed out about issues that have been on my chest and bothering me, but I'm trying really hard to see the good in situations and not focus so much on the bad.  So I'm just going to talk to God about it and pray he will help me though it.

129 days until I get to marry my man!!!

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