Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Army Wives

This week (and the past couple of months) I have been very thankful I have had the opportunity to get to know some other army wives.  Several of these women's husbands are in the same area/company as Ricky so it's beneficial.  If I haven't heard from him in awhile I'll ask one of them to see if they have heard anything.  (So yes honey, if you are reading this, I do keep tabs on you in other ways haha)

These girls are seriously so amazing.  I've mentioned before that it's a huge struggle to not have anyone around you realize what all you are going though and just how undescribable and difficult it can be at times.  Well these ladies sure get it.  Most of them have been through this 2, 3, even 4 times! Man, I simply can't imagine going through a deployment 3 more times! These ladies get it when you tell them you had a breakdown in the bathroom at work or in the middle of the grocery store, how anything and everything can set off your emotions, and how grateful you are when you get that phone call or email.  I am so so so thankful to have them in my life!

A great thing to help us all through this deployment is we have been trying to get together once or twice a month, just to chat, do something fun, and eat some food of course ha.  We've been to Discoveryland, Los Cabos (restaurant not destination), swimming, BBQ's, and the most recent was Purple Glaze followed by Shoguns.

If you have never been to Purple Glaze, you should check it out.  It's basically a place where you get to paint your own pottery.  You pick out whatever it is you would like to paint and then come back in a couple days and pick it up after it has been glazed.
I picked a large star platter that I can use in the future 
After I finished painting it.
The girls and our creations
After I got it back and it had been glazed! 

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you've been able to get so much support from them!
