Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What's Next in running

So I've been thinking a lot lately about "What's Next?" This post is going to be about my physical activity.  Let me give you a brief background, I started running March of 2009....pretty much like this:

I trained on my own with the C25K (Couch to 5K Program).  Upon completion of that I finished my first 5K in May that same year and was so proud of myself.  So then I thought..."What's Next?" A friend of mine decided to train with a group for the 15K happening on Halloween...I thought "this is crazy, but I want to do it"...so I did.   I trained 3-4 days a week through heat and cold (mostly heat) and completed the Tulsa Run 15K.

First 5K
Tulsa Run 15K

Only a month after my 15K was the Route 66 Half Marathon...about 4 miles longer than the 15K and I decided since I was already so close, why not go ahead and complete it too.  So I did ha. Then I wanted to train for another half in the spring. So I trained for the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial Half Marathon.  And completed it as well.  
2nd Half Marathon
1st Half Marathon

3rd Half Marathon
So when the fall training came around again this summer, I had decided I wanted to train for the full marathon.  Little did I realize just how much time that consumed!  The time restraints plus a couple of running injuries burned me out quickly.  I was just tired of running....but didn't want to give up.  So I backed down to the half training (still having injury problems) and finished my 3rd Half Marathon.  So now here I am, and not quite sure "What's Next?" 

For the present time, I'm doing some speed interval training on a treadmill (because I'm being a weenie and not running in the cold) and really would like to get more weight off before I run more long distance.  I might start at the bottom again...doing 5K's and try to increase my time and stamina.  So stay posted and I'll keep you updated on my running adventures.  


  1. Jessica, In California I have heard many runners talk about Crossfit. Have you heard of it? I am thinking about trying it out. They say it gives you a fabulous workout!

  2. Racing is so addictive. Once I'm done with a big one that I've been training for for a while, I always feel like something is missing until I get another race on the calendar. I signed up for my second half marathon at the end of March in 2011 and I'm so excited to have something to train for!
